'hatzatz / live at loos'

crimmp_09, hatzatz, live at loos, maya felixbrodt, tomer harari-kaplan, ilya ziblat shay, daniel slabosky, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam, arnold schalks


track 05 / 'modo recordar modo olvidar'

MP3 audio file / file size: 9,4 MB / dur: 10:15 min.

the title translates more or less to: 'mode of remembering, mode of forgetting'. _the acts of remembering (the midi keyboard records the information played by the viola and the bass) is here inseperable from the act of forgetting (erasing older data, previously stored, in favor of newly recorded information). _the result: a not so well documented dialogue. _the four parts of the piece are: ionian, dorian, phrygian & lydian, and ionian reprise

this cd was recorded live in front of an audience on march 25, 2012 at 'studio loos', the hague. _the concert summed up over a year of musical activity and consisted of six original compositions crossfading into each other / recording & mixing: arne bock / mastering: thilo schaller / video: daniel slabosky / graphic design: inbal kaplan-harari