contribution # 1 | INTRODUCTION | lecture & demonstration

the rotterdam visual artist / writer jozef van rossum introduced the evenings

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jozef van rossum demonstrates clod sticking

[jvr] it’s a common phrase, that clothes make the man. _it’s less common, that i set myself up as the inventor of a new clothing brand. _each day starts good when I leave the house in my WESTENNOU™ track suit

crimmp_10, jozef van rossum, clod sticking, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam, arnold schalks

WESTENNOU™ commands respect with all these young dudes, who think they can show off with their puma or adidas-trash. _the brand name is a combination of ‘west’ and ‘now’, briefly indicating my current position in space and time at ocw in rotterdam. _also suited for wearing in amsterdam or the hague, but not in the city of breda, where WESTENNOU™ is understood as: ‘what the **** is that?’

WESTENNOU™ gear is ideal for a new kind of sport: clod sticking (dutch: kluitplakken). _clod sticking requires concentration, generates contemplation and prompts to fast action. _it costs nothing but a small clod of clay

how did i come to this? _strange to say that we have to go to breda first (please leave your track suit at home). _at the end of 2012 i visited a local chemist’s*, which lured me in with its remarkable shop window. _behind the glass, a half naked santa claus gave an encouraging nod. _once inside, the chemist decided that the time was right to treat his gathered clientele to his speciality: the demonstration of the coughing strepsils tin. _he put the object on the counter, and silence fell. _breathless we waited, until one minute later the thing actually started to cough. _ i thought that the anticipation of that very moment and the related suspense of silence was worth repeating. _i didn’t succeed in copying the coughing tin, i couldn’t borrow the valuable item either, for the chemist announced he would soon travel to egypt for a couple of weeks. _in a brainwave i took up a clod of clay, and that’s how clod sticking was born; next to ball shooting and musical chairs the ideal activity to pass a tv-less evening. _i personally recommend WESTENNOU ™ track suits when playing clod sticking

* the chemist’s is called ‘de blauwe winkel’, boschstraat 82-84

clod sticking rules of the game

take a clod of clay and a number of handy sized objects. _stick the clay to the ceiling, stick the object to the clod and wait until the object drops. _you can catch the object or make a bet which object will stick the longest. _you don’t actually have to catch the objects: it’s also great fun to watch them smash down on the floor


crimmp_10, jozef van rossum, clod sticking, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam, arnold schalks

jozef van rossum prepares his WESTENNOU outfit (photo: arnold schalks)