contribution # 2 | INTRODUCTION

photo's © florian cramer unless stated otherwise


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the rotterdam visual artist/writer and self declared pacemaker jozef van rossum introduced the evenings. _the couturiere barbara witteveen once again provided a new exciting costume my opening speech i will, with reference to our royal family, focus on the possible means and tools for the opening ritual. _for that, i will make use of a costume (i'll put it on during my speech), a ketchup shooter and a drinking glass...  [jvr]


jozef van rossum, crimmp_12, ocw rotterdam

photo © betsy m. blan


jozef van rossum, crimmp_12, ocw rotterdam

ketchup shooter

jozef van rossum, crimmp_12, ocw rotterdam

collateral damage


click here to download the PRINTVERSION of information (in dutch) about the alternative means for opening as pdf-file / file size: 464 kb / 1 page / dim.: A4 / © 2013 | rotterdam / jozef van rossum