contribution # 4 | ITSA MISERABLE DAY

performance about an extinct industrial band by lukas simonis and xentos ‘fray’ bentos

photo's © florian cramer


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VOICE OVER | we're from the old days right... we went into music not coz we liked music but coz we hated music... we were making industrial noise inspired by noisy industrialists and fueled by our hatred for anything that sounded musical... i mean anything that resembled musicality right... so we made all these records right... and they sounded like shit... like shit happening... but very loud shit... it doesn't matter what you do in music, if you just go on and repeat it enough you'll end up with a fan base... so did we... and we did live gigs and dressed in black. and we didn't show our faces right, because that would be a mistake... never show your face if that would not make things better... and in our cases it would definitely make things worse, us being the ratty faced pimpled frustrated former schoolboys that we were... so we got into business, just because we never gave up and we kept doing the same thing over and over again... for years on end, right...


xentos 'fray' bentos & lukas simonis, itsa miserable day, crimmp_12, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam


xentos 'fray' bentos & lukas simonis, itsa miserable day, crimmp_12, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam

INTRO | lukas & xentos in balaclavas march on stage. _lukas with wig, xentos with moustache. _both wear armbands. _one reads ‘MAMA’ and the other ‘PAPA’. _they show their armbands to audience...


xentos 'fray' bentos & lukas simonis, itsa miserable day, crimmp_12, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam

BABY SLEEPING SCENE | lukas & xentos stand either side of pram. _they subject baby to noise and metal onslaught.


xentos 'fray' bentos & lukas simonis, itsa miserable day, crimmp_12, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam

BULLY SCENE | ...tight spot on schoolboy dummy in cap and uniform. _lukas plays live ‘Bully’ noise piece while xentos mercilessly beats the schoolboy with metal tubes, power tools, industrial shit, etc...


xentos 'fray' bentos & lukas simonis, itsa miserable day, crimmp_12, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam

SEX CHANGE SCENE | ...anyway, the biggest bunch of our fans, right, thought we were either homosexuals or real women, right. _so we decided to have sex changes right, both of us. _looked like a good carreer move at the time, right...



and now i'm on old geezer and i find that i actually LIKE music… my fucking taste had betrayed me! I love the sixties and the seventies… i love all the good stuff from those days, marc bolan, white noise, the damned… it fucking kills me! i even like abba! talking about fucking abba, right, that's where john and me met again, after all those years... we met at the abba convention in seashell-on-sea, two years ago... we didn't really recognize eachother first, i went there as agnetha, and john was annifrid... we started talking, and after a few minutes, well it might have been longer, right, after some time it turned out john was john and i was me... good thing about that was we didn't seem to hate eachother anymore... more then that, i quite fancied her... well that feeling went away fast as soon as she put down her blond wig, right, but you know, everytime i ask she puts it on again... [xfb & ls]


xentos 'fray' bentos & lukas simonis, itsa miserable day, crimmp_12, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam

ABBA SCENE | end piece, lukas and xentos doing ‘waterloo’


xentos 'fray' bentos & lukas simonis, itsa miserable day, crimmp_12, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam

bonus track

'the legs are gone'

itsa miserable day

mp3 audio file / size: 3,8 mb / dur.: 04:08 min.


click here to download the PRINTVERSION of the index & lyrics of the 1981 'nice one al' -cassette as a pdf-file / file size: 44 kb / 1 page / size: A4 / © 2013 | rotterdam / lukas simonis & xentos 'fray' bentos

click here to download the english PRINTVERSION of the 'itsa miserable day' -script in as a pdf-file / file size: 36 kb / 5 pages / size: A4 / © 2013 | rotterdam / xentos 'fray' bentos & lukas simonis