crimmp_30, arkhip labakhua, abkhazia, sipa, red actor

here comes the red actor, the hero of the story. _feeling very badly, he lays down in his hammock, thinking what? thinking why? not knowing what, not knowing why. _he’s dreaming of a terrible table party. _he wants to wake up, but notices a famous hypnotizer and decides to watch the dream. _suddenly a writer appears. _maybe he can give the red actor a recipe. _the writer says: live like you live and watch your dreams. _and Eureka! the red actor understands the reason of his weakness. _his goddamn costume has poisoned him. _but why?

crimmp_30, arkhip labakhua, abkhazia, sipa, red actor


crimmp_30, arkhip labakhua, abkhazia, sipa, red actor


crimmp_30, arkhip labakhua, abkhazia, sipa, red actor


crimmp_30, arkhip labakhua, abkhazia, sipa, red actor




crimmp_30, arkhip labakhua, abkhazia, sipa, red actor


crimmp_30, arkhip labakhua, abkhazia, sipa, red actor


story | sipa labakhua

music | prokoviev, stravinski & bach

text | john donne

actor-manipulator | sipa labakhua