starting points

ocw continues its programme with crimmp_21, a series of performances in which reduction is interpreted as a surplus value. _'crimmp' (= shrinkage) not only refers to the modest dimensions of the ocw-stage (w x d: 350 x 195 cm), but is also a declaration of intent to the concentrate. _initially, 'crimmp' sounds cranky and frugal. _shrinkage takes. _no matter how inescapable, not a soul wants to shrink. _at best, shrinkage forces one to see further than the end of one's nose. _the kind of crimmp that ocw wants to accommodate is different: it gives. _this crimmp represents a form of generosity, just as crookedness can be understood as a form of straightness. _the six letters of 'crimmp' stand for: 'creative reduction in the multi media practice'

data crimmp_21: 7, 8 and 9 october, 2016


crimmp_21, ocw, stage for small scale events, rotterdam

f.l.t.r.: mei-yi lee, falk hübner, nishiko, maarten zaagman, arjen duinker and j. palias


the 47 visitors received the ocw post-programme with background information about the performances

click here to download the PRINTVERSION of the english version of the post-programme as a pdf-file (89 kb)